Why Do Leaders Get Derailed?

Why Do Leaders Get Derailed?

Description Many people do not achieve their fullest potential. Some haven’t the faintest idea of what greatness is. Others choose to under-achieve. Still others decide to stay ordinary. Many start well, but are derailed along the way. There are many challenges and hindrances to greatness. Unless we confront these obstacles, we can never become great…



Many people do not achieve their fullest potential. Some haven’t the faintest idea of what greatness is. Others choose to under-achieve. Still others decide to stay ordinary. Many start well, but are derailed along the way.
There are many challenges and hindrances to greatness. Unless we confront these obstacles, we can never become great leaders because we will be derailed by them.


Content Creator

– Dr. John Ng –
Dr Ng adalah Chief Passionary Officer, Meta Consulting, memiliki spesialisasi dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan dan konsultasi organisasional. Keahliannya mencakup pembinaan kepemimpinan, efektivitas tim dan manajemen perubahan. Ia memiliki pengalaman konsultasi dan pelatihan lebih dari 25 tahun dengan perusahaan-perusahaan ternama, institusi akademis dan organisasi non profit. Ia juga mendirikan Eagles Mediation & Counseling Centre.


Session Titles:

  1. Preventing Self-Sabotage
  2. How You Can Deceive Yourself
  3. Stay Authentic
  4. How You Can Be Choked by Societal Values
  5. Focus on Integrity
  6. How You Can Love the Dark Side of Success
  7. Remain Humble
  8. How You Can Ignore Your Weaknesses
  9. Confront Your Weakness
  10. Transform Your Weaknesses to Strengths
  11. How You Can Become a Misfit
  12. Finding Your Fit – WANT
  13. Finding Your Fit – CAN
  14. Finding Your Fit – SHOULD


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