Why Do Marriages Break Up?

Why Do Marriages Break Up?

Description We always think we know what’s best for our relationships…until they fail. A happily-ever-after actually requires a little more effort than you think, but it’s always worth it. The busyness of modern day makes it hard to find time to carry out the big and dramatic gestures of love. But truth be told, it’s…



We always think we know what’s best for our relationships…until they fail. A happily-ever-after actually requires a little more effort than you think, but it’s always worth it.
The busyness of modern day makes it hard to find time to carry out the big and dramatic gestures of love. But truth be told, it’s the small, bite-sized acts of love and kindness that truly matter.
Learn the key principles that build a great marriage in this first part of a two-part interactive course. Perfect for the busy couple onboard the rollercoaster of marriage.


Content Creator

– Dr. John Ng –
Dr Ng is Chief Passionary Officer, Meta Consulting, specializing in leadership development and organizational consultancy. His expertise includes leadership coaching, team effectiveness and change management. He has over 25 years of consultancy and training experience with top corporations, academic institutions and NPOs. He also founded Eagles Mediation & Counseling Centre.


Session Titles:

  1. 14-day Touch-the-Heart Challenge
  2. No Honey and No Moon
  3. What Breaks a Great Marriage?
  4. Factor 1: Distorted Values
  5. Factor 2: Work-Life Pressures
  6. Factor 3: Doing Little or Nothing
  7. Factor 4: Rising Expectations
  8. Factor 5: Temptations Are All Around
  9. Factor 6: Perseverance is A Dirty Word
  10. Factor 7: Little or No Competence
  11. Factor 8: Exasperating Living Habits
  12. Factor 9: Power of the Emotions
  13. Factor 10: Pride Gets In the Way
  14. Great Marriage: A Perspective


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  • 0 Students
  • 02h Duration
  • 0 Lectures
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